Monday, October 3, 2011


Recruiting is the process of identifying and hiring the best qualified person (from inside or outside of an organization) for a job vacancy, in a most timely and cost effective manner. It also refers to the process of attracting, screening and selecting the most effective person for a job. Recruitment process is the major function of the human resource department. The stage of recruitment include sourcing candidates by advertising in different ways or other methods. After screening potential candidates by test or interviews selection process have been end by showing the result of test or interviews. After finishing the recruitment process companies trained their selected candidates to fulfill their new role effectively.

A general recruitment process is as follows:

1. Identify vacancy
2. Prepare job description and person specification
3. Advertising the Vacancy
4. Managing the response
5. Short listing
6. Arrange interviews
7. Conducting interview and decision making

In recruitment process, different agencies have work for finding effective candidates. They have serve valuable candidates to a client for a price. Now-a-days, almost all the companies hire employee for office by this agencies. This agencies are of various type............................

                                          1. Employment agencies
                                          2. Head Hunters
                                          3. Niche Recruiters
                                          4. Social recruiters
                                          5. Employee refferel
                                          6. In-house recruitment
                                          7. Executive research firms and sourcing firms etc.

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